Looking for a small, close-knit campus filled with incredible, hands-on learning opportunities? 我们的Admissions办公室可以帮助你选择mg冰球突破豪华版下载.
2019年新型冠状病毒(COVID-19), 俗称冠状病毒, 一种病毒是否被确定为呼吸道疾病爆发的原因. 常见症状包括发烧、咳嗽和呼吸短促. The CDC believes that symptoms may appear in as few as two days or up to 14 days after exposure.
虽然学院目前不要求戴口罩, 欢迎任何觉得戴口罩更舒服的人这样做.
For the latest, most up-to-date information about the virus, please call or visit:
截至2020年9月30日的季度 | 截至2020年12月31日的季度 | 截至2021年3月31日的季度 | 截至2021年6月30日的季度 | 截至2021年9月30日的季度 | 截至2021年12月31日的季度| 截至2022年3月31日的季度 | 截至2022年6月30日的季度
mg冰球突破豪华版下载签署并向美国教育部退还了美国救援计划(ARP)下的学生紧急财政援助补助金证书和协议. 联邦资金于2021年5月14日获得批准.
授予mg冰球突破豪华版下载的金额为1美元,185,890向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金. 截至9月27日, 2021, the total amount of ARP emergency financial aid 奖助金 distributed to students was $262,358. 每季报告发放给学生的助学金总额, 有效期至十月一日, 2021 - 12月31日, 2022, 是231美元,024. 每季报告发放给学生的助学金总额, 涵盖期间为一月一日, 2022 - 3月31日, 2022, 是430美元,975.
截至9月27日, 2021, the total number of students who received an emergency financial aid grant under the American Rescue Plan was 83. 在季度报告期间, 10月1日, 2021 - 12月31日, 2021, 149名学生获资助. 在季度报告期间, 1月1日, 2022 - 3月31日, 2021, 254名学生获资助.
mg冰球突破豪华版下载实施了一项申请程序,以确定哪些学生可以获得紧急经济援助补助金. The application was emailed to all EC students with instructions on how to apply and the parameters for funding; it was also posted in the internal MyEC web portal. A committee was established to review applications and make decisions on funding requests. 选拔委员会审查了所有申请,以确定学生的资格, 优先考虑学生的特殊经济需求, 并核实资金申请是否符合联邦资格准则. The maximum award amount set by 埃尔迈拉大学 was the equivalent amount of a maximum PELL grant; however, 批准金额根据学生的经济需求而变化,由他们的FAFSA和预期家庭贡献(EFC)决定。.
mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供了以下说明, 方向, and guidance to students concerning the emergency financial aid 奖助金 (and is included on the application for funding):
这项学生援助旨在通过美国救援计划(ARP)法案的高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)为mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生提供紧急赠款资金。. The ARP requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional financial need, 例如获得PELL助学金的学生或因冠状病毒大流行而面临重大意外费用的学生. ARP紧急补助金可用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, 保健(包括心理健康), 或者儿童保育. 如果学生要求将资助资金直接应用到他们的mg冰球突破豪华版下载机构账户,则要求学生获得书面(或电子)同意.
个人学生资助奖, 这取决于经济需求, are intended as a one-time emergency aid scholarship to help students with costs related to the pandemic. 可获得的资助范围和/或奖励数量取决于合格申请人的数量和可获得的资助金额. 学生 with exceptional financial need are prioritized in awarding these financial aid 奖助金.
学生必须填写ARP学生援助申请以申请资助. Applicants must be 埃尔迈拉大学 students who demonstrate financial need related to the coronavirus pandemic. 不像以前的HEERF资金, 国际学生可获得ARP紧急援助, 参加童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)的学生, 以及有特殊经济需要的无证学生.
mg冰球突破豪华版下载签署并向美国教育部退还了根据《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》(CRRSA)向学生提供紧急财政援助助学金的认证和协议. 联邦资金于2021年1月19日获得批准.
截至3月12日, 2021, the total amount of emergency financial aid 奖助金 distributed to students was $458,931. 所有CRRSA法案资金于2021年3月12日支出.
截至3月12日, 2021, the total number of students who received an emergency financial aid grant under the Coronavirus 援助, 救援, 《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》获得239票.
mg冰球突破豪华版下载最初将大约三分之二的CRRSA资金自动分配给获得PELL助学金的全日制和非全日制学生作为紧急助学金. 在第一次发放给有特殊经济需要的学生之后, students were then able to apply to receive financial aid 奖助金 from the remaining one-third of the funds. The application was emailed to all EC students with instructions on how to apply and the parameters for funding; it was also posted in the internal portal and on external website. A committee was established to review applications and make decisions on funding requests. 选拔委员会审查了所有申请,以确定学生的资格, 优先考虑学生的特殊经济需求, 并核实资金申请符合联邦资格准则. The maximum award amount set by 埃尔迈拉大学 was the equivalent amount of a maximum PELL grant ($6,495); however, amounts varied based on the student’s financial need as determined by their FAFSA and Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供了以下说明, 方向, and guidance to students concerning the emergency financial aid 奖助金 (and is included on the application for funding):
CRRSA student aid is intended to assist students attending 埃尔迈拉大学 with emergency grant funding. 不像《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》, CRRSA要求优先考虑有特殊经济需求的学生, 比如获得PELL助学金的学生. CRRSA经济援助赠款可用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, 保健(包括心理健康), 或者儿童保育. 如果学生要求将资助资金直接应用到他们的mg冰球突破豪华版下载机构账户,将要求学生获得书面(或电子)同意. 资金必须用于2020年12月27日或之后发生的奖励前费用.
个人学生资助奖, 这将根据经济需要而有所不同, are intended as a one-time emergency aid scholarship to help students with costs related to the pandemic. 可获得的资助范围和/或奖励数量取决于合格申请人的数量和可获得的资助金额. 学生 with exceptional financial need will be prioritized in awarding these financial aid 奖助金.
申请人必须是能够证明经济需要的mg冰球突破豪华版下载学生, 哪个与冠状病毒大流行有关. 国际学生, 参加童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)的学生, 无证学生没有资格获得这笔资金.
由于冠状病毒大流行,《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》紧急资金帮助了mg冰球突破豪华版下载陷入危机和意外经济困难的学生. 关于目的的附加信息, 学生的资格, 以及奖励金额, 连同应用程序一起, 可在下面找到. 如有任何问题,请直接向
所有的资金都已分配. **
按照美国的规定.S. mg冰球突破豪华版下载教育部承认:
mg冰球突破豪华版下载签署并向美国教育部退还了《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》, 救援, 和经济安全(关怀)法案, 2020. 联邦资金于2020年4月25日获得批准.
5月13日起, 2020年至9月30日, 2020, the total amount of emergency financial aid 奖助金 distributed to students was $391,112. 季度报告金额, 有效期至十月一日, 2020年至12月31日, 2020年是39美元,355, bringing the total amount of emergency financial aid 奖助金 distributed to students to $430,467. 最终:截至2021年3月12日,所有资金已支付(458,931美元)。.
The estimated total number of students at 埃尔迈拉大学 who were eligible to participate in Title IV financial aid, and thus eligible to receive emergency financial aid 奖助金 to students is under the CARES Act, 大约是725.
5月13日起, 2020年至9月30日, 2020, 根据《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》第18004(a)(1)条获得紧急经济援助补助金的学生总数为185名. 以十月一日为季度报告期间, 2020年至12月31日, 2020, 另有18名学生获得资助, bringing the total number of students who have received an emergency financial aid grant to 203 students. FINAL: 截至3月12日, 2021, there were 216 students awarded an emergency financial aid grant.
埃尔迈拉大学 implemented an application process to determine which students receive emergency financial aid 奖助金. The application was emailed to all EC students with instructions on how to apply and parameters for funding (MUST be for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus); it was also posted in our internal portal and on our external website. A committee was established to review applications and make decisions on funding requests. 选拔委员会审查了所有申请,以确定学生的资格, 优先考虑学生的经济需求, 并核实资金申请是否符合联邦资格准则. mg冰球突破豪华版下载规定的最高奖励金额为5美元,000; however, 根据学生的经济需要, any applications with requests exceeding the maximum award amount were handled on a case-by-case basis. 如果学生符合第四章的资格, 他们的要求符合联邦资格准则, 请求的金额低于最高赔偿金额, 遴选委员会批准了申请.
mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供了以下说明, 方向, and guidance to students concerning the emergency financial aid 奖助金 (and is included on the application for funding):
《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》紧急资金帮助mg冰球突破豪华版下载因冠状病毒大流行而面临危机和意外经济困难的学生. 合资格的开支包括食物, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 照顾孩子, 以及其他类似的费用,这些费用对学生构成了紧迫的经济需求,特别是由于冠状病毒大流行导致校园运营中断. 资金不得用于支付未付的欧共体账户余额.
个人财务奖项, 这取决于具体情况, are intended as a onetime emergency aid scholarship to help students persist in their studies. 最高奖励金额为5美元,000; however, 资助的范围和/或数量将根据合格申请人的人数和可用的资助金额而定. Any applications with award requests exceeding $5,000 will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 这取决于你申请资金的性质, you may be requested to provide documentation or receipts as proof to support your stated need. 通过申请资金, 您保证任何授予的资金将仅用于您申请中所述的目的,并且所提供的所有信息都是真实和正确的. 请注意,这些奖励可能需要纳税.
申请人必须是mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生,他们有资格或可能有资格参加第四章联邦学生援助计划(U.S. 公民和持有绿卡的非公民)以及与冠状病毒大流行有关的经济需求. There are a series of Y/N questions on the application that will determine your eligibility. 如有任何问题,请直接向
If you are experiencing symptoms of acute respiratory illness, you should limit contact with others. You should immediately make an appointment with the Clarke 健康中心 office by calling (607) 735-1750.
任何出现急性呼吸道疾病症状的员工都应避免上班,直到症状消退. 员工 who miss time at work should consult their immediate supervisor regarding the use of benefit time. Supervisors are asked to send employees home if they are exhibiting symptoms of acute respiratory illness. 员工 experiencing symptoms are encouraged to contact their primary care provider or seek emergency treatment.